Amazon Prime Day Statistics (2024 Sales Data)

Published On: Dec 25, 2024
Edited On: Jan 29, 2025

Amazon wrapped its 10th edition of the Prime Day sale with a bang and broke all its past sale records with customers spending $14.2 billion during the two-day sale period. That is a 10% growth from last year.

Independent sellers on the platform sold more than 200 million items across 35 categories during the 2024 Prime Day.

Let’s have a closer look at the 2024 Amazon Prime Day sale in numbers in this post.

Amazon Prime Day 2024 Sales Highlights

  • 88% of Amazon Prime members shopped during Prime Day 2024.
  • Amazon Prime Day sales crossed $14.2 billion in 2024, up by 10% from the previous year.
  • Small and medium-sized businesses sold over 200 million products across 35 categories.
  • The average Prime Day spend per order was $57.97 in 2024, up from $56.64 in 2023.
  • 47% of U.S. adults shopped at Amazon during the Prime Day 2024 event.

Next Amazon Prime Day

Amazon Prime Day for 2025 is expected to follow its traditional pattern of a mid-summer event. In recent years, Amazon has consistently scheduled its main Prime Day event in July, typically on a Tuesday and Wednesday. For example, Prime Day in 2023 was held on July 11-12, and in 2024, it took place on July 16-17. Based on this trend, Amazon Prime Day 2025 will likely occur in the third week of July.

Amazon also has a second major sale event in October, branded as “Prime Big Deal Days.” This has been positioned as a pre-holiday shopping event since its inception in 2022. For 2025, we can anticipate the October sale to fall around the second or third week of October.

88% of Amazon customers shopped during Amazon Prime Day 2024

88% of Amazon Prime customers made a purchase during Prime Day 2024. That is equivalent to 152.24 million shoppers. Earlier Jungle Scout had forecasted that 68% of Prime Members are likely to shop during the 2024 sales but shoppers flocked in and comfortably beat the predictions.

Amazon Prime Day 2024 Insights

Source: USA Today, Jungle Scout

Amazon Prime Day sales (2015 to 2024)

Amazon Prime Day 2024 was the largest event in Amazon’s history, generating $14.2 billion in sales during the two-day sale period, up by 10.07% from the previous year.

Amazon Prime day sales have always been on the upward trend since its launch in 2015.

This table shows Amazon Prime Day sales from 2015 to 2024:

Year Sales On Prime Day
2015 0.9 billion
2016 $1.52 billion
2017 $2.41 billion
2018 $4.19 billion
2019 $7.16 billion
2020 $10.4 billion
2021 $11.2 billion
2022 $12 billion
2023 $12.9 billion
2024 $14.2 billion

Amazon Prime Day Sales Over The Years

Source: Amazon, Tech Crunch, Statista.

How many orders do Amazon get on Prime Day

People purchased over 375 million items during Amazon Prime Day 2024. 60% of the households shopping during the Prime Day ordered at least 2 products.

Amazon hosted the first Prime Day on 15th July 2015 with the intention of offering a volume of deals greater than Black Friday, exclusively for Prime members.

No doubt it was a hit as consumers have flocked to this yearly sale more and more each year.

375+ million

Source: Amazon.

The average order value on Amazon Prime Day 2024 was $57.97

The average Prime Day spend per order rose to $57.97 in 2024, up by 2.34% from 2023 when shoppers spent $56.64 per order.

The reason for this rise on average order value can be aimed at the rising inflation rates. Most Prime Members use Prime Day as an inflation-saving strategy.

Here is a table showing the average consumer spending on Amazon Prime Day from 2019 to 2024:

Year Avg. Spending Per Customer
2019 $58.91
2020 $54.64
2021 $47.14
2022 $53.14
2023 $56.64
2024 $57.97

Source: Numerator 1, Total Retail, Numerator 2, Influencer Marketing Hub.

Prime Members cared about carbon emissions while shopping during Prime Day 2024

During Prime Day, Prime members in the U.S. opted to combine their deliveries for millions of orders, which saved about 10 million separate trips. This bundling of deliveries helped cut down on average carbon emissions.

Source: Amazon

Sellers saw 10x increase in Sales on prime day

Merchants who joined Prime Day saw a massive boost in sales, they had 10 times more sales with Prime orders daily and their revenue from these orders increased 8 times as compared to the month before Prime Day.
Source: Amazon.

Top selling categories during Amazon Prime Day 2024

Apparel and shoes was the best selling category during Amazon Prime Day 2024 with 27% shoppers making a purchase. Home goods and household essentials were bought by 26% and 25% buyers respectively.

Amazon Prime Day shoppers in the United States in 2024

Source: Numerator

High-inflation categories sell the best during the Prime Day sale

Consumers use Amazon Prime Day as a way to save on products that have a high shelf price due to inflation. 26% of US Shoppers shopped at Prime Day to get relief from the inflated prices across categories like electronics and home goods.

14% of Consumers in the United Kingdom used Prime Day as a savings strategy against inflationary pressures, with an emerging trend of considering it a stock-up holiday for everyday essentials. In China, 20% of savvy shoppers used Prime Day as a savings strategy against rising inflation.

Source: Nielsen IQ.

78% of American households make purchases only on Amazon despite comparing prices across platforms

About 54% of shoppers said they looked at prices from different stores before buying something. But even after checking prices, most people still ended up buying from Amazon. Specifically, during retail events in July, 78% of shoppers bought their items exclusively from Amazon during the Prime Day week.

Source: Numerator

Factors discouraging people from shopping during Amazon Prime Day

Amazon Prime Day’s biggest motivating and discouraging factor is the same Inflation!

A Statista survey revealed that 54% of people were discouraged from shopping at Amazon Prime Day due to product price inflation, while another 18% of U.S. Prime members opted for travel and experience purchases.

Here is a table showing factors discouraging people from shopping during Amazon Prime Day:

Reason Share of respondents
Product price inflation 54%
Rising interest rates 25%
Spending more on travel and experiences 18%
Making more of my purchases offline 18%
Stock market valuations 11%
None of the above 24%

Source: Statista.

60% of households shopping on Prime Day placed two or more separate orders

6 out of 10 households shopping during Amazon Prime Day 2024 placed at least 2 orders bringing the average household spend to roughly $152.33.

4 out of 10 households shopped for only 1 item.

Number of orders Share of households
1 40%
2 24%
3 14%
4 8%
5 14%

Source: Numerator.

10% of households spent less than $200 on Prime Day

21% of households shopping during Prime Day 2024 spend less than $20. Numerator data also revealed that only 5% of households spent more than $200 on shopping during Prime Day 2024

Here is a table showing the US households spending during Amazon Prime Day 2024:

Average Spend Share of Households
Less than or equal to $10 13%
Less than or equal to $20 21%
Less than or equal to $30 15%
Less than or equal to $40 11%
Less than or equal to $50 7%
Less than or equal to $100 17%
More than or equal to $200 10%
More than $200 5%

61% of shoppers research products before buying them on Prime Day

Shoppers like to dig more about their products before they actually buy them on Prime Day. This involves reading user generated reviews across platforms and consulting their friends and family. Many would also check the price history of the products and set tracker to compare the prices on Prime Day.
Source: Statista.

People shopped for millions of items using Rufus

Rufus, Amazon’s new AI-powered shopping assistant, helped millions of users shop during Prime Day deals Amazon's wide selection with ease. Amazon's Alexa also helped thousands of shoppers find the best deals during the sale period

With an influx of people using voice search to search for products every year, search queries will only continue to be more long-tail in nature as these types of searches tend to be comprised of 5 or more words.

If you wish to sell more on Amazon, Optimize your product for voice search!

Source: Amazon.

Prime Day 2024 was a huge success for SMBs

Independent sellers on Amazon, mostly small and medium sized businesses sold over 200 million items during Prime Day 2024. SMBs on Amazon received 20 orders every second during the sale event.

Source: Amazon.

Buy now pay later usage increased 20% during Prime Day

Last year's Amazon Prime Day saw U.S. shoppers embracing Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) options in a big way. BNPL orders totaled $461 million on day one and $466 million on day two of the sale, marking a 20% YoY increase.

This shift highlights a growing trend of shoppers opting for flexible payment options to snag deals. Keep an eye on BNPL as it continues to reshape how people shop online.

Source: Statista.

50% of people get an Amazon Prime subscription for the sales.

Nearly 50% of U.S. shoppers subscribed to Amazon Prime to profit from Prime sales. About 20% of surveyed Prime users considered Prime Day a very important factor in their decision to subscribe to Amazon Prime.

Here is a table showing share of shoppers considering Prime Day important in their decision to be Amazon Prime subscribers:

Decision to be Amazon Prime member Share of shoppers
Not at all important 26%
Slightly important 25%
Important 21%
Very important 20%
The most important factor 7%

Source: Statista.

Amazon Prime Day shoppers compare product prices with other retailers before making a purchase

During Prime Day, 55% of shoppers took the extra step to compare prices at other retailers before finalizing their purchases on Amazon. Walmart was the top comparison destination, with 35% of shoppers checking prices there.

Following closely, 26% compared prices at Target, while 13% looked at Club retailers. Department stores Best Buy, eBay, and Temu also attracted comparison shoppers, with 10%, 9%, 5%, and 5%, respectively.

Source: Numerator.

Additional Insights on Amazon Prime Day

  • 88% of Prime Day shoppers said they were Amazon Prime members, and 85% among them have been Prime members for more than a year.
  • 98% of Prime Day shoppers knew it was Prime Day before shopping for the event.
  • 63% of Prime Day shoppers said they were extremely or very satisfied with the deals offered during Prime Day 2024. Only 3% said they were not at all happy about the deals.

Source: Numerator.

<div class='toc'><ul><li><a href=#Amazon-Prime-Day-2024-Sales-Highlights><b>Amazon Prime Day 2024 Sales Highlights</b></li><li><a href=#Next-Amazon-Prime-Day><b>Next Amazon Prime Day</b></li><li><a href=#88%-of-Amazon-customers-shopped-during-Amazon-Prime-Day-2024><b>88% of Amazon customers shopped during Amazon Prime Day 2024</b></li><li><a href=#Amazon-Prime-Day-sales-(2015-to-2024)><b>Amazon Prime Day sales (2015 to 2024)</b></li><li><a href=#How-many-orders-do-Amazon-get-on-Prime-Day><b>How many orders do Amazon get on Prime Day</b></li><li><a href=#The-average-order-value-on-Amazon-Prime-Day-2024-was-$57.97><b>The average order value on Amazon Prime Day 2024 was $57.97</b></li><li><a href=#Prime-Members-cared-about-carbon-emissions-while-shopping-during-Prime-Day-2024><b>Prime Members cared about carbon emissions while shopping during Prime Day 2024</b></li><li><a href=#Sellers-saw-10x-increase-in-Sales-on-prime-day><b>Sellers saw 10x increase in Sales on prime day</b></li><li><a href=#Top-selling-categories-during-Amazon-Prime-Day-2024><b>Top selling categories during Amazon Prime Day 2024</b></li><li><a href=#High-inflation-categories-sell-the-best-during-the-Prime-Day-sale><b>High-inflation categories sell the best during the Prime Day sale</b></li><li><a href=#78%-of-American-households-make-purchases-only-on-Amazon-despite-comparing-prices-across-platforms><b>78% of American households make purchases only on Amazon despite comparing prices across platforms</b></li><li><a href=#Factors-discouraging-people-from-shopping-during-Amazon-Prime-Day><b>Factors discouraging people from shopping during Amazon Prime Day</b></li><li><a href=#60%-of-households-shopping-on-Prime-Day-placed-two-or-more-separate-orders><b>60% of households shopping on Prime Day placed two or more separate orders</b></li><li><a href=#10%-of-households-spent-less-than-$200-on-Prime-Day><b>10% of households spent less than $200 on Prime Day</b></li><li><a href=#61%-of-shoppers-research-products-before-buying-them-on-Prime-Day><b>61% of shoppers research products before buying them on Prime Day</b></li><li><a href=#People-shopped-for-millions-of-items-using-Rufus><b>People shopped for millions of items using Rufus</b></li><li><a href=#Prime-Day-2024-was-a-huge-success-for-SMBs><b>Prime Day 2024 was a huge success for SMBs</b></li><li><a href=#Buy-now-pay-later-usage-increased-20%-during-Prime-Day><b>Buy now pay later usage increased 20% during Prime Day</b></li><li><a href=#50%-of-people-get-an-Amazon-Prime-subscription-for-the-sales.><b>50% of people get an Amazon Prime subscription for the sales.</b></li><li><a href=#Amazon-Prime-Day-shoppers-compare-product-prices-with-other-retailers-before-making-a-purchase><b>Amazon Prime Day shoppers compare product prices with other retailers before making a purchase</b></li><li><a href=#Additional-Insights-on-Amazon-Prime-Day><b>Additional Insights on Amazon Prime Day</b></li></ul></div>

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