25+ Gen Z Shopping Habit Statistics (2024)

Generation Z, comprising over 2 billion individuals worldwide, represents about 32% of the global population, making it the largest generation ever. In the United States, Gen Z accounts for 68.6 million people or roughly 27% of the nation’s population. This demographic is poised to become a significant force in the consumer market, with projections indicating they will make up 40% of consumers in the US.

Currently, Gen Z contributes approximately 5% of the total spending in the US. However, this share is expected to increase substantially, reaching 17% by 2030. On average, this generation of teenagers has around $115 in monthly spending money, with 32% engaging in online shopping at least once a day.

This post explores the latest statistics and trends that underscore Gen Z's significant impact on the eCommerce market.

Gen Z Online Shopping Statistics In 2024 (Top Highlights)

  • 47% of Gen Z consumers use YouTube as their main resource for researching products.
  • 55% of Gen Z consumers have purchased after seeing a brand on TikTok.
  • 27% of the United States population is Gen Z.
  • 56% of Gen Z prefer to shop online than in-store.
  • 52% of Gen Z individuals opt for debit cards as their primary payment method.
  • 60% of Gen Z in the US use Instagram to discover new brands, products, and services.
  • 36% of Generation Z’s second-hand purchases are driven by their concern for sustainability and the environment.
  • 72% of Gen Z consumers prefer purchasing pre-owned items online.

What does Gen Z like to buy

61% of Gen Z shoppers prioritize spending on electronics and technology. This is the highest spending category among this demographic. Health and wellness come in second, with 59% of Gen Z consumers focusing their spending on this area. Additionally, 57% of this demographic allocate their budget towards beauty and personal care products.

Below is a breakdown of what Gen Z and other generations prefer to purchase

Below is a breakdown of what Gen Z and other generations prefer to purchase

Source: 5wpr 2024 Consumer Report

1. Shopping Preferences among Gen Z by Gender

Gen Z females prefer purchasing clothing and beauty and skincare products more often, with 55% and 57% respectively. Conversely, Gen Z males tend to buy clothing and technology items more frequently, accounting for 43% and 38% respectively.

2. 57% of Gen Z users spend mostly on clothing and Shoes

6 out of 10 Gen Z shoppers spend frequently on clothing and shoes while 4 out of 10 go for electronics. On the other hand, home and grocery-related products see the lowest spending by Gen Z.

Gen Z also takes their hobbies seriously and 35% of them frequently spend on products related to their leisure.

Here is a table showing the categories on which Gen Z spend the most frequently:

Category Share of Gen Z buyers
Clothing and shoes 57%
Entertainment 44%
Electronics 40%
Beauty 35%
Leisure, sport and hobby 32%
Jewelry and accessories 28%
Groceries 24%
Automotive spare parts or accessories 21%
Home and garden 21%
Pharmaceutical products 21%
Erotic materials and toys 19%
Children products 19%

Source: statista

3. Gen Z's Aren't Impulsive Buyers

47% percent of Gen Z prefer to wait at least a few days before making a purchase. This shows that Gen Z tends to be more thoughtful spenders, taking time to research before buying.

A major part of Gen Z's pre-buying research involves looking for coupons and offers.

Gen Z likes to do their research

Source: Attentive

4. Influencers Have Greater Impact on Gen Z Purchases Than Friends/Family

9% of Gen Z trust influencers for purchase decisions, while only 7% trust friends and family. This shows how influencer marketing can be a better option to promote products among Gen Z.

Source: HubSpot

5. 46% of Gen Z individuals primarily use mobile devices when shopping online

46% of Gen Z shoppers prefer using mobile phones for online shopping, making it the most popular device choice among the generation. Following closely behind, desktops are used by 45% of Gen Z shoppers, and 9% use tablets.

Online shopping distribution by Gen Z consumers worldwide in 1st quarter 2023

Source: Statista

96% of Gen Z prefers to shop online at least once a month

9 out of 10 Gen Z's shop online at least once a month. This shows their strong engagement with e-commerce. Of this group, 74% make online purchases at least once a week. In contrast, only 4% of Gen Z consumers shop online less than monthly or not at all.

Here's a table showing Gen Z’s online shopping frequency

Frequency of Online Shopping % of Gen Z Consumers
Once a day or more 32%
Once a week or more 74%
Once a month or more 96%
Less than monthly / never 4%

Source: Statista

6. There are 68.6 million Gen Zs in the United States

Currently, there are 68.6 million Gen Z individuals in the US, making up 20% of the total population in the United States. And United states being the world’s biggest eCommerce market, there is a lot of potential in targeting this digitally-savvy and frequent online shopping demographic.

Source: Worldometer

7. Gen Z represents $450 billion in spending power globally

Gen Z worldwide has a spending power of $450 billion, with $360 billion of that in the United States alone. And out of that $360 billion, $57 billion comes from allowances and rest of it from employment.

Source: BBC

88% of Gen Z users shop on the Apple App Store, while Amazon becomes the second-most used shopping app, preferred by 71% of Gen Z mobile commerce shoppers.

Shopping Platforms Percentage of Gen Z Users
App Store 88%
Amazon 71%
Temu 35%
Shein 32%
Walmart 19%
Target 16%
eBay 15%
Esty 14%

Source: Statista

44% of Gen Z buyers initiate their shopping journey by browsing online stores

Four out of ten Gen Z buyers start their shopping journey by browsing online stores, making this the most popular method among the group. Following closely, 40% use search engines to kick off their shopping, while 35% prefer to begin by visiting physical stores. Additionally, 30% of Gen Z shoppers initiate their journey through social media platforms.

Here is a table illustrating where Gen Z consumers typically start their shopping journey

Mode of Shopping % of Gen Z Shoppers
Online Store 44%
Search Engine 40%
Physical Store 35%
Social Media 30%
Browsing Websites or apps 30%
Talking to family, friends, and acquaintances 20%
Online Marketplace 20%
Price Comparison Service 15%
Physical Magazines or other media publications 7%

Source: Statista

Gen Z Purchasing Behavior

Generation Z shows a clear preference for online shopping, with 56% favoring it over in-store visits. Additionally, 65% of Gen Z shoppers like to make purchases based on influencer recommendations, and 73% are willing to pay 10% more for sustainable products.

9. 56% of Gen Z in the US prefer online shopping over traditional in-store purchases.

56% of American Generation Z individuals prefer shopping online over visiting physical stores. Moreover, the number of those making weekly online purchases has surged by 28% since the second quarter of 2020.

Source: GWI

10. 40% of Gen Z users shop online daily

Generation Z stands out as the most frequent online shoppers, with 40% buying something online at least once every day. That's compared to 31% of millennials, 19% of Gen X and 9% of baby boomers.

Here is the chart displaying the demographics of the most frequent online shoppers

the demographics of the most frequent online shoppers

11. 60% of Gen Z think a brand's digital-first impressions are more important than in-person ones

60% of Gen Z believe that digital presence holds greater significance than in-person ones. This proves that investing in a responsive and aesthetically pleasing website is crucial for capturing their attention and converting them into customers.

Source: Emarketer

12. 65% of Gen Z have made a purchase based on influencer's recommendations

65% of Generation Z have bought items based on influencer recommendations and also Gen Z use Instagram to discover new brands, products, and services.

Source: Voyado

13. 73% of Gen Z consumers are willing to pay 10% more for sustainable products

73% of Generation Z consumers are willing to pay 10% more for sustainable products, indicating their preference for sustainable, high-quality items.

7 out of 10

Source: Voyado

14. 54% of Gen Z individuals reported spending a minimum of four hours per day on social media platforms

According to a survey done by Morning Consult, it is found that around 54% of Gen Zers spend at least four hours daily on social media, with an additional 38% spending even more time on these platforms.

Source: SurveyMonkey

Gen Z Mobile Shoppers By Country

72% of Gen Z mobile shoppers are based in Mexico, making it the highest among other countries. Argentina follows with 54.4%, and Brazil closely trails at 53.1%. Spain and Peru also show strong mobile shopping habits, with 52.8% and 51.4% respectively.

In contrast, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom have much lower adoption rates, with only 18.6% and 17.9% of Gen Z consumers using mobile platforms for shopping.

Here is a table displaying the share of Gen Z mobile shoppers across various countries

Countries % of Gen Z Mobile Shoppers
Mexico 72.2%
Argentina 54.4%
Brazil 53.1%
Spain 52.8%
Peru 51.4%
Colombia 50.9%
Japan 50.3%
United States 46.9%
Israel 44.3%
France 35.8%
Germany 35.4%
Sweden 23.2%
Ireland 19.7%
United Arab Emirates 18.6%
United Kingdom 17.9%

Source: Statista

Gen Z Spending Habits

We already have data on the categories that Gen Z like, now let us understand Gen Z's preference for online and instore shopping while shopping for these categories.

Over half of Gen Z prefer to buy groceries in store and when it comes it clothing and entertainment relates purchases, 45% of Gen Z take the online route.

Here is a graph showing Gen Z's shopping preferences in different categories:

Gen Z's shopping preferences in different categories

Source: Statista

15. 61% of Gen Z Prefers Secondhand Items

Before opting for new purchases, 61% of Gen Z shoppers actively seek out secondhand items as their first choice. The United States eCommerce resale market is currently valued at $90 billion.

Source: Emarketer

Gen Z is the biggest consumer of Fast Fashion

36% of Gen Z individuals purchase new fast-fashion clothing at least once a month. On average, they spend $767 annually on these items. This frequent buying behavior highlights Gen Z’s strong interest in fast fashion and their willingness to invest a significant amount each year in keeping up with current trends.

Source: NBC Sandiago

Gen Z currently represents about 5% of spending in the U.S., a figure expected to rise to 17% by 2030. This generation favors online shopping primarily for convenience (30%) and better prices (20%). Furthermore, 45% of Gen Zers compare multiple platforms to find the best deal, this shows their keen interest in value and savings.

16. Gen Z contributes to about 5% of spending in the United States

Currently, Gen Z represents about 5% of spending in the United States. Experts predict this figure will increase to 17% by 2030. Gen Z will be the next biggest spender after Gen Alpha by 2030.

17. 30% of Gen Z shop online for convenience, while 20% do so for better prices

Among Gen Z shoppers, 30% prefer online shopping due to its convenience, while 20% prioritize it for better prices. Conversely, 30% opt for in-store shopping to obtain products immediately, and 28% prefer the in-store experience to physically interact with and try out products before making a purchase.

Source: Iscs

18. 46% of Gen Z will buy product from lesser known brand if its cheaper

55% of Gen Z shoppers would rather pay more for a brand they know, while 46% are happy to pay less for a cheaper product by a lesser known brand. Brands can take advantage of this Gen Z shopping habit to make people like their brands more, especially when money is tight.

Source: GWI

19. Gen Z shoppers are the most loyal segment among ecommerce customers

According to the latest report by Tidio, 46% of Gen Z buyers are willing to pay extra for the same product if it allows them to shop at their favorite online store.

Source: Tidio

20. 45% of Gen Zers check out multiple platforms to find the best deal

Nearly 45% of Gen Zers and 39% of millennials are inclined to explore multiple stores in search of the best deal. This behavior reflects their desire for value and cost-consciousness, driving them to explore various options before making purchasing decisions.

Source: Tidio

Gen Z Purchasing Behavior in the U.S

Nine out of ten Gen Z shoppers make online purchases at least once a month. Furthermore, around 74% of Gen Z individuals prefer to shop online at least once a week or even more frequently.

In contrast, only 4% of Gen Z users shop online less than once a month or not at all, this shows a strong preference for frequent online shopping among this demographic.

Shopping Frequency % of Gen Z Shoppers
Once a day or more 32%
Once a week or more 74%
Once a month or more 96%
Less than monthly / never 4%

Source: Statista

What Does Gen Z Care About While Shopping?

53% of U.S. Gen Z Shoppers Want Brands to Support Mental Health

53% of U.S. Gen Zers want the brands they shop with to support mental health, making it their top priority. Following closely, 47% want brands to address environmental issues, climate change, and sustainability.

Another 47% are equally focused on brands that promote racial and gender equity. Additionally, 26% prefer brands that advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, and 20% value brands that engage in civic and political activism.

Here is a table showing the values that Gen Z wants brands to support

Values % of Gen Z Shoppers
Mental Health 53%
The Environment / Climate change and sustainability 47%
Racial and gender equity 47%
Ethical labor practices 42%
LGBTQ+rights 26%
Civic engagement / political activism 20%

Source: Emarketer

Role of Social media on Gen Z buying Habits

Social media serves as the primary channel for product discovery for both Gen Z and Millennials. An impressive 97% of Gen Z shoppers say they find their inspiration through social media platforms. Additionally, many Gen Z consumers shop on their mobile phones up to four times a week.

23. TikTok is the preferred social network for Shopping Discovery Among Gen Z

TikTok and Instagram are the favorite social platforms for Gen Z when discovering new products and brands. Gen Zers often engage with influencer content and watch videos to explore and find innovative products.

Source: Emarketer

24. 61% of Gen Z Follow brands that they like on social Media

Gen Z Follow brands that they like on social Media

Source: SurveyMonkey

The data illustrates how different age groups engage with brands on social media. Gen Z shows the highest participation, with 61% actively following brands. Millennials follow closely behind at 53%, while Gen X and Boomers display lower engagement at 36% and 18%, respectively. The Silent generation exhibits the least involvement, with only 10% following brands.

25. For Gen Z, TikTok and Instagram stand out as their top choices for discovering new products on social media platforms.

Around 52% of Gen Z users favor TikTok, while approximately 50% opt for Instagram when it comes to shopping and discovering new products. Following closely behind are Pinterest and Facebook, with 28% and 27% respectively.

tik tok and instagram are gen z's top platforms for shopping-

Source: Emarketer

71% of Gen Z users in the US prefer using Instagram for direct purchases, closely followed by YouTube at 68%. Additionally, TikTok and Facebook also hold sway, with 68% and 62% of Gen Z users, respectively.

Social networks where us adults are likely to make purchases directly, Gen Z vs. total, q1 2023

Source: Emarketer

27. 51% of Gen Z Prefers Social Media Over Search Engines for Brand Searches

51% of Gen Zers use social networks like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, while 45% use search engines when looking up brands, products, or services.

This trend highlights the significant role social media platforms play in influencing the shopping habits and brand perceptions of Generation Z.

Gen z prefers social media over search engines when looking up brands

Source: Emarketer

TikTok and Instagram are the Preferred Shopping Platforms for Gen Z

52.5% of U.S. Gen Z users have used TikTok for shopping or product discovery in the past month, making it the top choice. While 29.1% of them consider it as their go-to platform. Instagram is close behind, with 50.3% using it for shopping recently and 23.1% naming it their preferred option. Pinterest ranks third, with 28% of users utilizing it for shopping and 15.8% seeing it as their top choice.

Source: Emarketer

29. Gen Z Prefers Official Websites Over Third-Party Platforms

Gen Z shoppers tend to discover new items more often on brand websites compared to older shoppers. However, they are less inclined to find products through third-party retail websites and apps.

Source: Emarketer

Key Takeaways

Gen Z’s online shopping habits reveal a significant shift towards digital platforms for purchases. Their economic impact is substantial with a population of 68.6 million in the US alone. With the convenience of mobile devices and a preference for seamless experiences, this generation is reshaping the retail landscape. Their demand for personalized products and swift delivery underscores the importance for businesses to adapt and innovate. Also, we have seen that 51% of Gen Z prefer social media over search engines for brand searches, which shows the importance of digital presence for businesses targeting this demographic. So, understanding these trends is crucial for companies aiming to capture Gen Z’s purchasing power effectively.

<div class='toc'><ul><li><a href=#Gen-Z-Online-Shopping-Statistics-In-2024-(Top-Highlights)><b>Gen Z Online Shopping Statistics In 2024 (Top Highlights)</b></li><li><a href=#What-does-Gen-Z-like-to-buy><b>What does Gen Z like to buy</b></li><p>  <a href=#1.-Shopping-Preferences-among-Gen-Z-by-Gender>1. Shopping Preferences among Gen Z by Gender</p><p>  <a href=#2.-57%-of-Gen-Z-users-spend-mostly-on-clothing-and-Shoes->2. 57% of Gen Z users spend mostly on clothing and Shoes </p><p>  <a href=#3.-Gen-Z's-Aren't-Impulsive-Buyers>3. Gen Z's Aren't Impulsive Buyers</p><p>  <a href=#4.-Influencers-Have-Greater-Impact-on-Gen-Z-Purchases-Than-Friends/Family>4. Influencers Have Greater Impact on Gen Z Purchases Than Friends/Family</p><p>  <a href=#5.-46%-of-Gen-Z-individuals-primarily-use-mobile-devices-when-shopping-online>5. 46% of Gen Z individuals primarily use mobile devices when shopping online</p><p>  <a href=#96%-of-Gen-Z-prefers-to-shop-online-at-least-once-a-month>96% of Gen Z prefers to shop online at least once a month</p><p>  <a href=#6.-There-are-68.6-million-Gen-Zs-in-the-United-States>6. There are 68.6 million Gen Zs in the United States</p><p>  <a href=#7.-Gen-Z-represents-$450-billion-in-spending-power-globally>7. Gen Z represents $450 billion in spending power globally</p><p>  <a href=#8.-Most-popular-shopping-apps-among-Gen-Z-users-in-the-United-States>8. Most popular shopping apps among Gen Z users in the United States</p><li><a href=#44%-of-Gen-Z-buyers-initiate-their-shopping-journey-by-browsing-online-stores><b>44% of Gen Z buyers initiate their shopping journey by browsing online stores</b></li><li><a href=#Gen-Z-Purchasing-Behavior><b>Gen Z Purchasing Behavior</b></li><p>  <a href=#9.-56%-of-Gen-Z-in-the-US-prefer-online-shopping-over-traditional-in-store-purchases.>9. 56% of Gen Z in the US prefer online shopping over traditional in-store purchases.</p><p>  <a href=#10.-40%-of-Gen-Z-users-shop-online-daily>10. 40% of Gen Z users shop online daily</p><p>  <a href=#11.-60%-of-Gen-Z-think-a-brand's-digital-first-impressions-are-more-important-than-in-person-ones>11. 60% of Gen Z think a brand's digital-first impressions are more important than in-person ones</p><p>  <a href=#12.-65%-of-Gen-Z-have-made-a-purchase-based-on-influencer's-recommendations>12. 65% of Gen Z have made a purchase based on influencer's recommendations</p><p>  <a href=#13.-73%-of-Gen-Z-consumers-are-willing-to-pay-10%-more-for-sustainable-products>13. 73% of Gen Z consumers are willing to pay 10% more for sustainable products</p><p>  <a href=#14.-54%-of-Gen-Z-individuals-reported-spending-a-minimum-of-four-hours-per-day-on-social-media-platforms>14. 54% of Gen Z individuals reported spending a minimum of four hours per day on social media platforms</p><li><a href=#Gen-Z-Mobile-Shoppers-By-Country><b>Gen Z Mobile Shoppers By Country</b></li><li><a href=#Gen-Z-Spending-Habits><b>Gen Z Spending Habits</b></li><p>  <a href=#15.-61%-of-Gen-Z-Prefers-Secondhand-Items>15. 61% of Gen Z Prefers Secondhand Items</p><li><a href=#Gen-Z-is-the-biggest-consumer-of-Fast-Fashion><b>Gen Z is the biggest consumer of Fast Fashion</b></li><li><a href=#Gen-Z-E-Commerce-Trends><b>Gen Z E-Commerce Trends</b></li><p>  <a href=#16.-Gen-Z-contributes-to-about-5%-of-spending-in-the-United-States>16. Gen Z contributes to about 5% of spending in the United States</p><p>  <a href=#17.-30%-of-Gen-Z-shop-online-for-convenience,-while-20%-do-so-for-better-prices>17. 30% of Gen Z shop online for convenience, while 20% do so for better prices</p><p>  <a href=#18.-46%-of-Gen-Z-will-buy-product-from-lesser-known-brand-if-its-cheaper>18. 46% of Gen Z will buy product from lesser known brand if its cheaper</p><p>  <a href=#19.-Gen-Z-shoppers-are-the-most-loyal-segment-among-ecommerce-customers>19. Gen Z shoppers are the most loyal segment among ecommerce customers</p><p>  <a href=#20.-45%-of-Gen-Zers-check-out-multiple-platforms-to-find-the-best-deal>20. 45% of Gen Zers check out multiple platforms to find the best deal</p><li><a href=#Gen-Z-Purchasing-Behavior-in-the-U.S><b>Gen Z Purchasing Behavior in the U.S</b></li><li><a href=#What-Does-Gen-Z-Care-About-While-Shopping><b>What Does Gen Z Care About While Shopping</b></li><li><a href=#53%-of-U.S.-Gen-Z-Shoppers-Want-Brands-to-Support-Mental-Health><b>53% of U.S. Gen Z Shoppers Want Brands to Support Mental Health</b></li><p>  <a href=#></p><p>  <a href=#></p><li><a href=#Role-of-Social-media-on-Gen-Z-buying-Habits><b>Role of Social media on Gen Z buying Habits</b></li><p>  <a href=#23.-TikTok-is-the-preferred-social-network-for-Shopping-Discovery-Among-Gen-Z>23. TikTok is the preferred social network for Shopping Discovery Among Gen Z</p><p>  <a href=#24.-61%-of-Gen-Z-Follow-brands-that-they-like-on-social-Media>24. 61% of Gen Z Follow brands that they like on social Media</p><p>  <a href=#25.-For-Gen-Z,-TikTok-and-Instagram-stand-out-as-their-top-choices-for-discovering-new-products-on-social-media-platforms.>25. For Gen Z, TikTok and Instagram stand out as their top choices for discovering new products on social media platforms.</p><p>  <a href=#26.-71%-of-Gen-Z-users-are-influenced-to-make-direct-purchases-on-Instagram,-with-YouTube-being-the-second-most-popular-platform-at-68%>26. 71% of Gen Z users are influenced to make direct purchases on Instagram, with YouTube being the second most popular platform at 68%</p><p>  <a href=#27.-51%-of-Gen-Z-Prefers-Social-Media-Over-Search-Engines-for-Brand-Searches>27. 51% of Gen Z Prefers Social Media Over Search Engines for Brand Searches</p><p>  <a href=#TikTok-and-Instagram-are-the-Preferred-Shopping-Platforms-for-Gen-Z>TikTok and Instagram are the Preferred Shopping Platforms for Gen Z</p><p>  <a href=#29.-Gen-Z-Prefers-Official-Websites-Over-Third-Party-Platforms>29. Gen Z Prefers Official Websites Over Third-Party Platforms</p><li><a href=#Key-Takeaways><b>Key Takeaways</b></li></ul></div>

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