Shopping Sales Calendar in the USA: Full Sale List, Dates & Offers

Welcome to our blog post on the Shopping Sales Calendar in the USA! If you’re someone who loves a good bargain or enjoys splurging on discounted items, you’ve come to the right place.

The United States is known for its abundance of shopping sales throughout the year, and this calendar will serve as your ultimate guide to help you plan your shopping adventures wisely. From Black Friday and Cyber Monday to seasonal sales and special events, we’ll highlight the most popular shopping occasions that will make your wallet happy.

So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and get ready to unlock the secrets of scoring great deals in the USA!

What is a Shopping Sales Calendar?

A shopping sales calendar is like a magical crystal ball that reveals all the upcoming sales events and discount bonanzas in the US. It’s your trusty sidekick that ensures you never miss a chance to grab that must-have item at a price that’ll make your wallet do a happy dance.

From the famed Black Friday and Cyber Monday to lesser-known yet equally thrilling events like Prime Day, Back-to-School sales, and End-of-Season clearances, the shopping sales calendar is bursting with excitement year-round. It’s like having a front-row seat to the greatest show on Eartha shopaholic’s dream come true!

With a shopping sales calendar in hand, you can plan your shopping adventures in advance, strategize your purchases, and hit those stores like a pro. No more wandering aimlessly through aisles, hoping to stumble upon a good deal.

Why Do You Need a Sales Calendar?

We are sure tohave convinced most of the more-than-average shoppers about the benefit of having access to a sales calendar. However, for the skeptics at the back, we have a comprehensive list of well-reasoned out explanations about why it is worth checking this article out. So, here goes nothing (or everything):

  • Unleash your inner Sherlock: Ever wandered into a store, only to find out later that there was a mind-blowing sale happening just a day before? A shopping sales calendar helps you channel your inner detective, uncovering those hidden gems and ensuring you never miss a chance to score a steal.
  • The early bird not only catches the worm (who even wants a worm in the first place?) but the discounts as well: With a shopping sales calendar in your arsenal, you’ll be the early bird who swoops in to grab the juiciest deals, leaving others green with envy.
  • Money-saving superpowers (the only kind of super-power you will ever have): Imagine being able to predict when your favorite items will go on sale. Armed with a shopping sales calendar, you become a money-saving superhero, strategically planning your shopping expeditions and maximizing your savings.
  • A roadmap to retail therapy: Retail therapy is an art, my friend, and a shopping sales calendar is your trusty map. It lays out the exact dates and events when your beloved stores unleash their deepest discounts, guiding you towards pure shopping bliss.
  • Be the envy of your friends (a sales calendar can also be your wingman): Impress your friends and your dates by taking them out on a money-saving shopping trip. With a shopping sales calendar, you’ll become the envy of your shopping squad, regaling them with tales of your incredible finds and making them wonder just how you do it.

Your Sale Year at a Glance

Sale days are some of the most exciting days in a year. We all obviously have a clear idea of some of the biggest sale days across the year, but there are a few minor, fun sale days we often miss out on. We have attempted to craft a comprehensive calendar for your shopping year, so let's go through them, shall we?

1. January

Named after the Roman god of beginnings and transitions, Janus, January is typically considered the beginning of the sale year for a common shopper. January is the perfect time to set your financial goals, create a brand new and improved budget and kick off your shopping plans for the year. There are two specific sales to look out for in January: New Year's Day sale and the Martin Luther King Jr. Day sale.

The New Year's Day Sale is one of the biggest festive sales of the year. Simply name a brand and they'll have amazing discounts and deals on almost all products. This sale, in particular, is a clearance sale, a final attempt at clearing out the warehouse for the coming year.

Martin Luther King Jr Day Sale celebrates one of the most prominent figures in the American Civil Rights movement and from a shopper's point of view, it generally always ends up falling at the beginning of or the end of a weekend, making it the perfect day to splurge on immediate essentials.

Additionally, January is also recognized as the National Staying Healthy Month, so make sure to look out for major, heart-stopping deals on all things healthy, may it be a piece of vogue exercise equipment, or nutritional supplements or even groceries.

Holiday Specific Sales:

Jan 15 – National Bagel Day

Jan 24 – National Peanut Butter Day

Jan 27 – National Chocolate Cake Day

Jan 31- National Hot Chocolate Day

An Overview of Popular January Sales

Name of the Sale Date Popular Categories/Products on Offer
New Year's Day Sale January 1st Kitchen appliances, clothing, make-up, apparel, outdoor furniture, food and drinks.
Martin Luther King Jr Sale January 15th Appliances and lighting, candles, fragrance and home goods.

2. February

February is named after the infamous Februa purification ritual conducted on the first full moon day of the month (falling on the 15th of February). But globally, it is recognized as the month of love and hosts the biggest celebration of love, Valentine's Day. In the US, February consists of two very important sale days: Valentine's Day sale and the President's Day sale.

Valentine's Day Sale honors the feast of Saint Valentine and is a day demarcated to celebrate all forms of love, romantic and platonic. According to the annual survey released by the National Retail Federation and Prosper Insights and Analytics, US consumers spend approximately $23.9 billion on just gifts in 2022. So, it makes sense why a Valentine's Day sale might actually be necessary.

President's Day Sale is usually celebrated on the birthday of the first American president George Washington and usually falls on the third Monday of the month. Yet another long weekend-State-holiday, it is perfect to look for big-ticket items such as appliances and mattresses.

February is also honored as Black History Month, so shop with all your favourite Blackowned businesses both to support them and get a few incredible deals.

Holiday Specific Sales:

Feb 01 – Lunar New Year

Feb 09 – National Pizza Day

Feb 13 – Super Bowl Sunday

Feb 15 – Singles Awareness Day

Feb 20 – Love Your Pet Day

February – Black History Month

An Overview of Popular February Sales

Name of the Sale Date Popular Categories/Products on Offer
Valentine's Day Sale February 14th Gift cards, flowers, chocolates, jewelry, technology and kitchen appliances.
President's Day Sale February 19th Mattresses, luggage, bags, clothing, beauty and make-up.

3. March

Ironically, March was the first month in the earliest Roman calendar. Named after Mars, the god of warfare, the month is also known to welcome the beginnings of spring, thus making it a fruitful time for new beginnings. In terms of sales, March only has one official sale day, the St. Patrick's Day sale.

St. Patrick’s Day Sale is held in memory of the death of the foremost patron saint of Ireland, St. Patrick. It also marks the commencement of Christianity in Ireland and is culturally well known for its association with the green color. If you are a small business owner or a hoster of big parties, make sure to grab this sale by the neck. Irish-themed jewelry and green gifts are celebratory essentials during the holiday.

Holiday Specific Sales:

Mar 01 – Pancake Day

Mar 08 – International Women's Day

Mar 20 – International Day of Happiness

Mar 20 – First Day of Spring

Mar 23 – World Puppy Day

An Overview of Popular March Sales

Name of the Sale Date Popular Categories/Products on Offer
St. Patrick's Day Sale March 17th Food, board games, home decor, appliances, jewelry, sweets and candy.

4. April

April is officially considered the complete entry into spring season. Its name is derived from the verb 'aperire’ which means 'to open', an allusion to the season where flowers and trees begin to open. April is also the best month to invest in skin care and beauty products as most brands launch their spring products line in the beginning of the month. Two important sales to look out for in April are the Easter sale and the Tax Day sale.

The Easter Sale falls on the cultural and religious holiday commemorating the death and resurrection of Jesus. Since Easter is a global holiday and falls on a Sunday, shops are most likely to remain quiet and closed on the day, but Easter sales generally begin a week before the actual celebration. All festive products including sweets, decorations and clothing are sure to be on sale.

Tax Day Sale is traditionally recognized as the end of the previous financial year and the beginning of the new one. Since it is the day most shoppers receive their tax returns, make sure to look for interesting and exciting deals on Tax Day. This sale generally only lasts for 24 hours.

Holiday Specific Sales:

Apr 01 – April Fools' Day

Apr 11 – National Pet Day

Apr 22 – Earth Day

Apr 23 – World Book Day

Apr 28 – National Superhero Day

An Overview of Popular April Sales

Name of the Sale Date Popular Categories/Products on Offer
Easter Sale March end to mid-April Greeting cards, grooming essentials, clothing and decor.
Tax Day Sale April 15th Food, groceries, clothing, mobile applications and skin-care products.

5. May

The month of May is celebrated as the height of spring and it is dedicated to the Greek goddess of fertility and prosperity, Maia. Some of the biggest harvest festivals of ancient Rome such as Bona Dea were held in May and the month is also often referred to as the month of 'elders'. Two of the biggest sales in a year are held in May, namely, the Mother's Day sale and the Memorial Day sale.

Mother's Day Sale is a global sale that is conducted to remember Ann Jarvis, a nurse in the American Civil War who also fought for the rights of women, particularly mothers. It is also considered the second largest spending holiday in the US and is even bigger than Valentine's Day. Consumers are estimated to spend an average of $152 on gifts on the days leading up to Mother's Day.

Memorial Day Sale is observed on what was earlier referred to as Decoration Day, meant to honor and mourn US military personnel who died serving the country. Memorial Day often falls on a long weekend, thus making it a popular sale weekend in the US particularly for larger appliances and home essentials.

Holiday Specific Sales:

May 07 – National Fitness Day

May 17 – World Baking Day

May 25 – National Wine Day

An Overview of Popular May Sales

Name of the Sale Date Popular Categories/Products on Offer
Mother's Day Sale May 12th Decor, gifts, make-up products, grooming and skincare products, technology and clothing.
Memorial Day Sale May 29th Watch, mattress, home appliances, grill and outdoor furniture.

6. June

If May was associated with elders, June is dedicated to the young, particularly young women. The month is named after Juno, the wife of the supreme deity Jupiter and the goddess of marriage. June is traditionally considered an auspicious month for marriages particularly due to the season it falls under. Again, June also hosts one of the biggest sales of the year, the Father's Day sale.

Father's Day Sale usually falls towards the end of the month and is held on the holiday that celebrates paternal figures. It is associated with several paternal figures across regions and religions. Most of the sales on Father's Day are targeted towards gift-giving and there are often attractive deals on technology and men's personal care bundles.

Holiday Specific Sales:

June 11 – International Children's Day

June 04 – National Cheese Day

June 21 – International Yoga Day

An Overview of Popular June Sales

Name of the Sale Date Popular Categories/Products on Offer
Father's Day Sale June 18th Electronic gadgets, furniture, grooming products, alcohol, headphones and collectibles.

7. July

July, unlike the other months, was named by the Roman Senate after the greatest general of Rome, Julius Caeser. Culturally, the days of July are referred to as 'dog days' as it marks the beginning of the hotter days of summer. July hosts two of the biggest sales that fall right in the middle of the year: the4thof July sale and the Amazon Prime Day sale.

The 4th of July Sale is observed on the day the American Declaration of Independence was drafted, thus establishing the country. It is one of the biggest holidays in the country and warrants umpteen number of celebrations so there is a sale across all categories of products available in the market. Since it also falls within the period of summer vacations, a lot of the4thof July sales are focused on outdoor goods and picnic supplies.

Amazon Prime Day Sale is a global event hosted by Amazon particularly for the subscribers of Amazon Prime. Shoppers often get a steep discount on almost all categories of products available on the e-commerce platform.

Holiday Specific Sales:

Jul 04 – Independence Day (US)

Jul 07 – World Chocolate Day

Jul 30 – International Friendship Day

An Overview of Popular July Sales

Name of the Sale Date Popular Categories/Products on Offer
The Fourth of July Sale July 4th Appliances, furniture, grills and outdoor furniture, laptops and headphones.
Amazon Prime Day Sale July 14th- July 15th Electronics gadgets, books, skin care, make-up, stationery and airplane tickets.

Also read: Amazon Upcoming Sales USA

8. August

Lore associated with the month suggests that August was initially a month with just 29 days. However, in honor of Emperor Augustus, after whom the month is named, Julius Caesar added two more days so both July and August matched. It is often a month characterized by holidays for most workers. Conversely enough, it also marks the back-to-school season in the US. There are no specific sales associated with August, but several independent back-to-school sales occur during the month.

Since it also represents the hottest month of the year, most of the back-to-school sale is focused on gadgets, stationery, school essentials and summer clothing. Unlike the other months of the year, where a certain sale day is hyped up throughout the month, August is a period of rest and planning.

Another day to look out for are the Tax-Free Day sales that are conductedwithin a 72-hour window starting on the first Fridays of August and is considered a major shoppingperiod in the country. Taxes are waived on several necessary items such as clothing, appliances, home decor and furniture.

Holiday Specific Sales:

Aug 08 – International Cat Day

Aug 09 – Book Lovers Day

Aug 19 – World Photography Day

Aug 26 – International Dog Day

An Overview of PopularAugust Sales

Name of the Sale Date Popular Categories/Products on Offer
Back to School Sale Two weeks of August Stationery, clothing, notebooks, bags, laptops and mobile phones.
Tax-Free Day Sale Aug 5th Aug 7th Electronics, clothing, skincare, grooming products and groceries.

9. September

Many older calendars such as the Charlemagne's calendar honors September as the month of harvest. It signals the beginning of the autumn season, and the Orthodox Church also begins its ecclesiastical year from this month. In most countries, September signals the commencement of a new academic year. Essentially, September is used to denote beginnings and reflection. In terms of the sale year, there is onesale day that cannot be skipped: the Labor Day sale.

Labor Day Sale is conducted yearly on the 4th of September as a memorial of the American labor rights movement. This sale generally occurs on a three-day weekend and there is a lot of increase in sales on products that are left over from the back-to-school season. Labor Day weekend also marks the commercial end of the summer season, thus, there are several attractive discounts on outdoor products.

Holiday Specific Sales:

Sep 10 – Mid-Autumn Festival

Sep 11 – Grandparents' Day

Sep 17 – First Day of Oktoberfest

Sep 27 – World Tourism Day

An Overview of PopularSeptember Sales

Name of the Sale Date Popular Categories/Products on Offer
Labor Day Sale Sep 5th Make up, skin care, footwear, yoga mat, denim clothing, food and restaurants.

10. October

October retains its name from the Greek and Roman word 'octo' meaning eight. Although it was the eighth month of the Romulus calendar, it was traditionally considered the tenth month of the Julian calendar. October marks the mid-period between autumn and the shift towards winter where days start to get shorter and nights longer. However, from a sales perspective, October is mainly known for one of the most fun holidays in the US Halloween. Two major sale days are observed in October: the Columbus Day sale and the Halloween sale.

Columbus Day Sale commemorates the discovery of the country by the sailor Christopher Columbus. It is yet another long weekend holiday celebrated across the US, thus making it one of the biggest sale days. Products across all categories go on sale with massive discounts and deals.

Halloween Sale marks the beginning of the traditional and cultural spooky season. While Halloween Sale rarely occurs during the day itself, this sale goes on for a long period of time, mostly the entirety of the month. It is conducted in memory of the Christian holiday, 'All Saints Day', which iscelebrated to remember saints and martyrs who died professing their faith.

Besides the usual sales, Apple also releases most of their new launches in September, so October is a good time to invest in your favorite older models of Apple phones and laptops.

Holiday Specific Sales:

Oct 01 – International Coffee Day

Oct 04 – World Animal Day

Oct 29 – National Cat Day

An Overview of Popular October Sales

Name of the Sale Date Popular Categories/Products on Offer
Columbus Day Sale Oct 9th Mattress, home appliances, decor, electronics and stationery.
Halloween Sale Oct 31st Decor, candy, greeting cards, costumes and clothing, skincare and personal care products.

11. November

November marks the last few days of the fall season and is known for several meteor showers that can be seen by the naked eye. Traditionally, it is viewed as a slow and gloomy month due to the shorter days and the longer nights. Quite contrary to the traditional vibes associated with November, it hosts some of the biggest celebratory and end-of-the-year sales in a particular year. November has three significant sale days that deserve mention: Black Friday sale, Cyber Monday sale and Thanksgiving Day sale.

Thanksgiving Day Sale is rarely ever celebrated on the holiday; however, it is one of the longest and probably the biggest sale days in the US, right behind Christmas. Thanksgiving Day colloquially began as a celebration of the harvest season and falls within the second or third weekof the month. As it is a harvest holiday, you are most likely to find several deals on groceries and household appliances.

Immediately following the Thanksgiving Day Sale is another big, yet short sale in terms of its duration, the Black Friday Sale. It marks the beginning of the Christmas shopping season in the country and usually precedes another sale, the Cyber Monday sale which extends over a week afterBlack Friday.

Holiday Specific Sales:

Nov 11 – Singles' Day, Veterans Day

Nov 13 – World Kindness Day

Nov 19 – International Men's Day

Nov 26 – Small Business Saturday

An Overview of Popular November Sales

Name of the Sale Date Popular Categories/Products on Offer
Thanksgiving Day Sale Nov 23rd TVs, projectors, video games, tablets, food, drinks and groceries, candy and clothing.
Black Friday Sale Nov 24th Electronics, equipment, outdoor and patio furniture, footwear, clothing and jewelry.
Cyber Monday Sale Nov 27th Electronics, gadgets and video games.

12. December

Differentiated by the winter solstice and long winter days, December marks the end of a particular year according to the Julian calendar as well as the end of the sale year in the commercial market. However, the month is mostly recognized for hosting one of the biggest global celebrations and as well as sale days in the year Christmas. There are two major sale days in December, namely the Christmas sale and the New Year's Eve sale.

Christmas Sale truly celebrates the seasonal spirit of Christmas and marks the biggest ever sale day in the country. Christmas sales generally run for the entire week and witnesses marked decrease in the prices of products of all categories, particularly, gifts, decor, groceries and clothing.

New Year's Eve Sale is the last of the sale days in the year and it is essentially a clearance sale. Most of the brands run sales and offer great deals during New Years’ time which are usually held from the 26th of December to the 31st. Once this sale comes to a close, the cycle of looking out for the upcoming sales begins all over again!

Holiday Specific Sales:

Dec 03 – Make A Gift Day

Dec 13 – Green Monday

Dec 17 – Super Saturday

Dec 24 – Christmas Eve

Dec 26 – Boxing Day

An Overview of Popular December Sales

Name of the Sale Date Popular Categories/Products on Offer
Christmas Sale Dec 25th Greeting cards, decor, gifting items, food, groceries, desserts, clothing, personal care and make-up.
New Year's Eve Sale Dec 26th Dec 31st Footwear, furniture, electronic equipment, gadgets, home decor and laptops.

The Ultimate Guide to Shopping on Sale Days

The United States is effortlessly a shopaholic paradise with its name brands, accessibility to stores and of course, our favorite periods, the sale days! People love talking about how broke they usually are, but if you plan out all your major shopping on the basis of these corporate-given gift dates, your pocket and bank account will fall at your feet. Simply said, you are pretty much sorted for the year. As a brand obsessed with coupons, we'll shamelessly admit, we are big fans of these sale days, so we asked our office to compile a list of their best shopping tips. Read on to scale-up your shopping and savings game.

Pre-sale shenanigans:

  • Set your alarm clock and put on your superhero cape because early bird gets the deals! Sales in the US tend to start early, so get ready to rise and shine.
  • Do your homework and make a wish list before the big day. It’s like creating a shopping strategy that’ll save you from impulse buying. Trust me, your wallet will thank you.
  • Sign up for newsletters and follow your favorite stores on social media. They might share exclusive discounts and coupon codes that’ll give you that extra bang for your buck.
  • Create a game plan by mapping out the stores you want to hit. It’s like planning a shopping marathon, and you’ll feel like an Olympian athlete scoring those amazing deals.

Sale day pursuits:

  • Wear comfy shoes and a light dress. You’ll be running from aisle to aisle, so leave those fancy shoes at home. Plus, you’ll avoid looking like a sweaty mess by the end of your shopping spree.
  • Buddy up with a shopping buddy. It’s more fun to hunt for deals together, and you can divide and conquer the stores. Plus, having someone to hold your place in line while you snag that must-have item is priceless.
  • Bring snacks and water to keep your energy levels up. A granola bar can be your secret weapon against shopping fatigue, and it will probably stop you from going on an unwarranted hunger-grocery shopping trip.
  • Be patient and keep a positive attitude. Sale days can get crazy but remember to smile and be kind to the sales staff.

Post sale rewards:

  • Finally, don’t forget to treat yourself. After all the deal-hunting, you deserve a little reward. Grab that fancy coffee or indulge in a sweet treat. You earned it, savvy shopper!

Tips On How To Save Money When Shopping

Utilize Coupons: Look for coupons in newspapers, online coupon websites, and retailer apps to get discounts on your purchases. Take advantage of different types of coupons, including both physical and digital coupons to save money.

Embrace Cashback Apps: Install cashback apps on your smartphone that offer cashback rewards on eligible purchases. Scan receipts or make purchases through the app to earn money back on your shopping.

Sign Up for Store Loyalty Programs: Join loyalty programs at your favorite stores to receive exclusive discounts, special offers, and accumulate points that can be redeemed for future savings.

Comparison Shopping: Before making a purchase, compare prices across different retailers and online platforms to ensure you’re getting the best deal. Use comparison shopping websites or apps to find the lowest prices available.

Follow Brands on Social Media: Many brands announce special promotions and flash sales on their social media channels. By following them, you can stay updated and take advantage of limited time offers.

Wait for Sales: Patience pays off! Consider waiting for seasonal or holiday sales to score better deals on items you want. Keep an eye on the shopping sales calendar to plan your purchases strategically.

Subscribe to Newsletters: Sign up for newsletters from your favorite retailers to receive exclusive discounts, promotional codes, and early access to sales. This way, you’ll stay informed about upcoming deals and savings opportunities.

Bulk Buying: When possible, purchase items in bulk to take advantage of discounted prices, especially useful for non-perishable goods and items you frequently use.

In conclusion…

The shopping sales calendar is your ultimate guide to saving money and finding great deals throughout the year. By staying informed and planning your purchases around key events, you can maximize your savings and make the most of your shopping experience. Thank you for reading, and happy shopping!

<div class='toc'><ul><li><a href=#What-is-a-Shopping-Sales-Calendar><b>What is a Shopping Sales Calendar</b></li><li><a href=#Why-Do-You-Need-a-Sales-Calendar><b>Why Do You Need a Sales Calendar</b></li><li><a href=#Your-Sale-Year-at-a-Glance><b>Your Sale Year at a Glance</b></li><p>  <a href=#1.-January>1. January</p><p>  <a href=#2.-February>2. February</p><p>  <a href=#3.-March>3. March</p><p>  <a href=#4.-April>4. April</p><p>  <a href=#5.-May>5. May</p><p>  <a href=#6.-June>6. June</p><p>  <a href=#7.-July>7. July</p><p>  <a href=#8.-August>8. August</p><p>  <a href=#9.-September>9. September</p><p>  <a href=#10.-October>10. October</p><p>  <a href=#11.-November>11. November</p><p>  <a href=#12.-December>12. December</p><li><a href=#The-Ultimate-Guide-to-Shopping-on-Sale-Days><b>The Ultimate Guide to Shopping on Sale Days</b></li><li><a href=#Tips-On-How-To-Save-Money-When-Shopping><b>Tips On How To Save Money When Shopping</b></li><li><a href=#In-conclusion…-><b>In conclusion… </b></li></ul></div>

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